The Ebony Ditch is a show by Third Tower Productions, the duo of Alyssa Honsowetz and Kristy McGowan, fiancees who tour anime conventions around the Midwest United States hosting panels that educate the next generation about queer theory, LGBTQ history, and disability theory through the lens of popular culture. We aim to make highbrow theory fun and accessible to all. To this end, as much as possible, we do away with pompous language, esoteric source material, and stiff, pretentious presentations. We're friends of low theory, unprofessional jokes, self-deprecation, and drunken theorizing. We believe that the theories of the past are worthy of preservation, but subject to eternal revision as the needs of our present society change. And, last but not least, we just want to do what we love: talk way too much about things only a few people actively care about. We hope you'll join us.
In this episode of Highnal Fantasy VII, Kristy and Alyssa finish disc 1 and talk queer monstrosities and non-binary icon Sephiroth.
Kristy on Twitter:
Alyssa on Twitter:
Intro/Outro music "Club Transylvania" provided by Computer Music All-Stars
Categories | Highnal Fantasy VII
Filetype: MP3 - Size: 110.53MB - Duration: 1:00:22 m (256 kbps 44100 Hz)
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